VMWare Log insight 8.4 installation and configuration step by step

Requirement for Log insight

Download setup .OVF file

vCenter server & ESXI host

Global Administrator access on vCenter

Login to vCenter

Right click and deploy ovf template

Select local file-> choose and brose -> select log insight ovf file -> Next

Give Name and select folder where you want to provision log insight VM->

Expend cluster and select ESXI host on which you want to deploy it. Press next

Accept EULA -> Next

Select deployment size

Select datastore and virtual disk format

Select network and IP protocol (IPv4)

Give Hostname

Assign IP Address

Assign Subnet Mask

Assign Default Gateway

Assign DNS

Assign root credentials

Click finish for final deployment

Once deployment will complete

Power ON the VM.

Login with root 

Password -> *****

Enter vRealize log insight IP address

Enter Username -: Default it will take admin

Email -:   Enter email address

New password-: Enter password for Admin

Enter License Key or skip and assign key later

Enter email id for system notification and HTTP system post notification or click save and continue

Enter NTP servers details or select time Sync with ESXI host -> Save and continue

Enter SMTP Server details-:

Sender email ID-:

Click send test email-:

Save and continue

Configure SSL here or Skip and Save and continue

Click finish

Now all done for installation and configuration

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