Showing posts with label SCOM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCOM. Show all posts

SCOM PowerShell command | Get-SCOMagent , get-scomalert, Get-SCOMManagementPack


Cmdlet to list out the agent 



Get-SCOMAgent | FT -Property displayName, version, ActionAccountIdentity, ProxyingEnabled, HealthState 

Get-SCOMAgent | where {$_.healthstate -eq "success"} |select Name,healthstate, version 

Get-SCOMAgent | where {$_.healthstate -eq "warning"} | select Name,version,healthstate 







Cmdlet to get a list of Management packs







Command to get sealed and unsealed Management pack


Get-SCOMManagementPack |where {$_.sealed -eq "true"} |Select name, DisplayName 



Get-SCOMManagementPack |where {$_.sealed -eq "false"} |Select name, DisplayName 






Cmdlet to get SCOM alert


Cmdlet to get alert of particular component.

Get-SCOMAlert -Name "*heartbeat*" 








Cmdlet to get alert historical alert

Get-SCOMAlert -ComputerName scom | where {$_.severity -eq "error"} | FL



Automatic alert resolution in SCOM

How to configure automatic alert resolution in SCOM

In SCOM we can configure automatic alert resolution in a selected period of time.

To configure automatic alert resolution login to SCOM console

Click Administration -> Settings -> Select Alerts


Right click on Alerts -> Go to properties

Select Automatic Alert Resolution

Change Days for Resolve all active alerts which are in “New” resolution state after:

Change Days for Resolve all active alerts when the alert source is healthy after:

SCOM resource pool, Steps to create or modify resource pool in SCOM

 What is resource pool in SCOM and steps to create a new resource pool or modify existing resource pool. 


A resource pool is a collection of management servers that you can use to distribute work. ... System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) uses resource pools for load balancing and high availability among management servers.


Steps to create or modify resource pool in SCOM



Open SCOM console


Go to Administration -> Click Resource Pools





If you want to modify any existing resource pool, select the resource pool from the list


And click Manual Membership if you want to update from Auto to manual.








If you want to create resource pool, Click on create resource pool





Give the Resource pool name


Click next




Click Add -> click search




Once you click search, you will see a list of the management server. Select the management server from the list that you want to add in the resource pool.





Click Add and OK



Click next and create.


How to view all rules and monitors running on an agent-managed computer?


How to view all rules and monitors running on an agent-managed computer?

To view all rules and monitors running on the agent we need to login in SCOM console

Click monitoring

Select monitoring and click Operation manager 

Expand the option and select Agent details 

Expand and click agent health state

Select Agent from the list that you want to check

Select Agent state

Click show running rules and monitors for this health service

Click Run

Allow it in IE now you will see created and applied rules on the host.

Monitor Failover Cluster nodes and cluster applications using SCOM 2019

 Monitor Failover Cluster nodes and cluster applications using SCOM 2019

How to configure monitoring of failover clusters in SCOM?

Install an agent on all cluster nodes (cluster member Computer).

Enable agent proxy on all computer nodes.

Login to SCOM Console

Administration -> Managed Agent -> Right click on each of the cluster node -> Property

Go to security -> Check mark on Allow this agent to act as a proxy and discover managed objects on other computers

Apply and OK.

Once you will enable proxy on all cluster nodes and after sometimes when you will check Agentless Managed you will see list of the cluster application will reflect here for monitoring i.e. Exchange DAG, SQL cluster resource or other cluster application. In my case currently I don’t have a configured cluster resource.

Custom Management Pack Create in SCOM 2019


How to create Custom Management Pack

Open SCOM Operation console

Click Authoring

Select Monitors

Search for Target or select from list

Here I am selecting Service Running State -> Double click on the service

Click on General Button to check the status, Currently Monitor is enabled

Click Overrides -> select for all objects of class: Activated APM Agent

Check marked on Enabled Parameter and change Override value from True to False

Don’t select any existing Management pack from the list 

Click New 

Type Management pack Name

Click Next -> Create

Click Apply and Okay

That’s All!

What is Run As Account and How to create a Run As account and associate with a Run As profile

 Run as Account and Run as Profile

Basically run as account is a Windows account that can be associated with the rules and can use Windows authentication and plan basic digest simple or binary methods for authentication.

Run as Account defines which credentials will be used for certain actions that can be carried out by the operation manager Agent and these accounts centrally managed by the SCOM Console.

We assign dedicated account to execute or push task from SCOM operation console to client machine that is Run As Account, 

Run as Account is associated with Run as profile.  And run as profile is associated with workflow.

How to Create Run as Account

Login to SCOM Operation console -> Click Administration 

Right click and select Create Run as Account

Click Next

Select Account Type from Run as Account type:

Give Display Name and Description

Enter User name

And Password

Select security level as per your requirement

Click create

How to Associate Run as Account with Run as profile

Now go to Administration -> Click profiles 

Select profile from the list to associate Run as Account

Double click on profile

Click next

Click Add button -> Select account from Run As account drop down list

If you want to manage All target object with the same Run As account then click all target else a selected class.

Filter by:  Type object name 

Select Object and click Add

Click Save

Thank you all done!

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