Vsphere esxcli command for deep dive network troubleshooting

Top  ESXI network command for troubleshooting->

esxcli network nic list -> (To collect all connected network details with Name, Driver, Link status, MAC, MTU)

esxcli network nic down -n vmnic0 -> To bring down connected or faulty NIC

esxcli network nic up -n vmnic0 -> To bring up connected or faulty N

esxcli network vswitch standard list -> Command to check standard switch list

esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup list -> To check portgroup created inside the standard switch

esxcli network vswitch dvs vmware list -> Command to list out DVS switch with port group list

esxcli network vm list -> (Command to get VM running on which network, world id)

esxcli network vm port list -w 73276 (VM World ID) -> command to get network port ID, vSwitch, portgorup, MAC, Uplink port ID and IP address

esxcli network port stats get -p 33554440 (Network port ID)-> Command to check pocket sent/received/dropped on network port ID.

esxcli network ip interface list -> Command to get created interface list like (VMk0,vmk1,vmk2) and their port ID

[root@ESXI102:~] esxcli network ip interface list


   Name: vmk0

   MAC Address: 00:0c:29:19:f3:7c

   Enabled: true

   Portset: DvsPortset-0

   Portgroup: N/A

   Netstack Instance: defaultTcpipStack

   VDS Name: vDSwitch

   VDS UUID: 50 2c 4b af 80 5c 2d 29-82 c7 a0 74 b6 f3 5f b5

   VDS Port: 22

   VDS Connection: 290654427

   Opaque Network ID: N/A

   Opaque Network Type: N/A

   External ID: N/A

   MTU: 1500

   TSO MSS: 65535

   Port ID: 50331654



   Name: vmk1

   MAC Address: 00:50:56:60:4d:58

   Enabled: true

   Portset: DvsPortset-0

   Portgroup: N/A

   Netstack Instance: defaultTcpipStack

   VDS Name: vDSwitch

   VDS UUID: 50 2c 4b af 80 5c 2d 29-82 c7 a0 74 b6 f3 5f b5

   VDS Port: 7

   VDS Connection: 290820540

   Opaque Network ID: N/A

   Opaque Network Type: N/A

   External ID: N/A

   MTU: 1500

   TSO MSS: 65535

   Port ID: 50331655



   Name: vmk2

   MAC Address: 00:50:56:6c:88:09

   Enabled: true

   Portset: vSwitch0

   Portgroup: VSS_MGMT

   Netstack Instance: defaultTcpipStack

   VDS Name: N/A


   VDS Port: N/A

   VDS Connection: -1




esxcli network port stats get -p 50331655 (Network interface port ID) Command to get packets received/send/dropped on interface (vmk0/1/2) level

esxcli network diag ping -H  (-H is host name or IP) -> Command to diagnose connectivity between two ESXI host.


         Received Bytes: 64


         ICMP Seq: 0

         TTL: 64

         Round-trip Time: 1898 us

         Dup: false



         Received Bytes: 64


         ICMP Seq: 1

         TTL: 64

         Round-trip Time: 1709 us

         Dup: false



         Received Bytes: 64


         ICMP Seq: 2

         TTL: 64

         Round-trip Time: 1581 us

         Dup: false



         Host Addr:

         Transmitted: 3

         Recieved: 3

         Duplicated: 0

         Packet Lost: 0

         Round-trip Min: 1580 us

         Round-trip Avg: 1729 us

         Round-trip Max: 1897 us

vim-cmd hostsvc/net/query_networkhint --pnic-name=vmnic0 -> To list out CDP port details from cli

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