NetApp ONTAP Data LIF Create

NetApp ONTAP Data LIF -:

A LIF identify the type of traffic that is supported over the LIF, A LIF can carry traffic any of the below types:
1.Data Traffic
2.InterCluster Traffic
3.Cluster  Traffic
4.Cluster Management Traffic
5.Node Management Traffic

The Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) does not have any data LIF configured for CIFS protocol. Create data LIFs before configuring the CIFS server.]

If you are getting above error while enabling protocol on SVM you need to create LIF.

How to create LIF in NetApp using GUI

Login to NetApp ONTAP using cluster IP.

Click on Network -> Network Interface

Click create

Give Name for LIF

Select interface role -> Here I am selecting for serves data

Select SVM for that you want to create LIF. One LIF can be use for one SVM

Select protocol access -> CIFS, iSCSI, NFS

Assign IP address -> Drop down and select without a subnet one page will prompt to enter IP, Subnet and DG

From port-> expend it and select though with physical interface you want to pass the traffic. Later you can migrate it.

Once you will configure you can't edit it

 iSCSI enabled SVM in NetApp ONTAP and mount to Windows and ESXI host

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NetApp ONTAP SVM create (NFS, CIFS, iSCSI protocol)


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